The Sylhet M.A.G Osmani Medical College Hospital is situated in the north-west side of Sylhet City This Hospital is evolved as Institute Hospital in the year 1936 and noted as Medical School in 1948. After that it was converted as Sylhet Medical college Hospital in the year 1962 in the previous site. It was shifted to its present location in the year 1978. In 1986 this hospital was renamed as Sylhet M A.G Osmani Medical College Hospital in the name of renowned freedom fighter Bangobir and chief of Armed Forces during liberation war General (Rtd ) MAG. Osmani, who was born in this holy place.
Sylhet M.A.G. Osmani Medical College Hospital is the only tertiary level Government hospital in Sylhet division. About 10 million people are dependant on it for health care. In addition to outdoor and indoor services it provides training to the doctors, students, nurses and paramedics. Post graduate training for senior doctors are also being provided. In addition, research on various medical fields are also carried out in this teaching hospital. Though the manpower, physical facilities etc. are available only for 500 patients, the hospital has been upgraded to 900 bed recently in the year 2003, but about 1200 patients remain admitted. Average bed occupancy rate goes up more than 110%. In spite of budgetary constrain, shortage of manpower and other associated difficulties all the doctors, Nurses and staff exert their maximum to render best possible health care services to the people.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Sylhet M.A.G. Osmani Medical College Hospital
Posted by Munna Talukder at 12:28 PM 0 comments
Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and Hospital
Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and Hospital is a public medical college in Sher-e-Bangla Nagor, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The government set up the college to spread medical knowledge and to produce more efficient doctors for the country. The college is surrounded by many other specialized hospitals, such as the National Institute of Cardiac and Vascular Disease, the National Eye Hospital, the National Kidney Institute and the National Mental Hospital.
There are about 500 students with a staff of 2000.
After a long period of consideration, the Bangladeshi government decided on 5 September, 2005 to turn Shaheed Suhrawardy Hospital into a medical college. Educational activities in the college began on the 6th May, 2006 as Begum Khaleda Zia Medical College,[1] and had 100 students. However, on the 1st July, 2009, the name of the medical college was changed to Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Lions Eye Hospital
The Lions Eye Institute in Perth, Western Australia, is the largest eye research institute in the southern hemisphere. It is now in agargaon, dhaka near the IDB.
Each year LEI provides specialist clinical services to 50,000 patients from throughout Australia and the world. Our internationally renowned surgeons perform around 3,000 complex eye operations annually. Ophthalmologists abroad seek specialty medical training at LEI and return to their region with a higher level of skill.
Since 1983 the Lions Eye Institute has supported community services aimed at early detection and prevention of blinding eye disease.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 12:09 PM 0 comments
The College has numbers of modern multistoried building in own picturesque campus, which accommodates all the departments required for MBBS course. There are adequate amenities for lecture, tutorial and practical classes of various subjects. Besides, there is provision for accommodations of seminar, symposium and other activities. The college has a good auditorium and a centrally air-conditioned modern auditorium is under construction with the capacity of 1200 audience.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 11:56 AM 0 comments
Jalalabad Ragib-Rabeya Medical College
Jalalabad Ragib-Rabeya Medical College, Sylhet is situated in divisional headquarter of Sylhet Division and located at Ragib-Rabeya Medical College Road, Pathantula, Sylhet, Bangladesh. Jalalabad Ragib-Rabeya Medical College, Sylhet which is about 225 km from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Sylhet is the land of saints and sufis and may be termed as the spiritual centre of Bangladesh. It is surrounded by lush tea gardens, hills and valleys in a picturesque landscape. It has an excellent rail, road, air and river communications linking with capital City Dhaka as well as Port City Chittagong. It takes only 22 minutes by air from Dhaka to Sylhet and 41/2 hours by road.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 11:54 AM 0 comments
Jahurul Islam Medical College
Jahurul Islam Medical College, the Hospital and the Nurse Training Institute have been established under the Aftab–Rahima Welfare Trust as a conglomerate offering medical education & research, hospital care as well as training in nursing services. The complex is situated in Bhagalpur village of Bajitpur thana of Kishoregonj district. The great philanthropist of this area Late Mr. Jahurul Islam is the founder of these organizations in his native land.
Bhagalpur – Bajitpur is about 110 km north – east of Dhaka city. It is connected by Egaro Shindur Express train and has excellent road connection with the Capital. In either way, Bhagalpur can be reached within three hours only.
In the first phase in 1989, a 250 bed hospital was put into service. It is equipped with most modern instruments and facilities, offering round the clock services including emergencies, for indoor as well as outdoor patients. At present there are 390 beds covering all the departments of a general tertiary level teaching hospital. In its final and ultimate phase of completion, the Hospital will have 500 beds to provide management and services of all aspects of medical, surgical or emergency requirements.
Because of its own uniqueness, Bhagalpur and its rural settings provide an ideal location for establishing the Medical College. With a large hospital, abundantly equipped with modern tools, excellent infrastructure and institutional facilities, a Medical College of high national standard became a natural consequence. Eventually, 26th August 1992 saw the birth of Jahurul Islam Medical College as fully residential institution.
The College at present is entirely self contained with own buildings housing all departments, laboratories, library, museums, dissection hall, lecture theaters, cafeteria, hostels for students of either sex, accommodation facilities for teachers etc. Indeed, the idyll serenity of the campus and the beautifully landscaped terrain provide a pollution free congenial environment for modern method of teaching and learning. The College is affiliated and approved institution of Dhaka University, Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council (BMDC) and recognized by World Health Organization (WHO).
The Nursing Training Institute was set-up in 1989 to ensure availability of trained professional nurses for the hospital as well as the country .The Institute has the approval of Bangladesh Nursing Council and the Directorate of Nurses Services (DNS).
Posted by Munna Talukder at 11:34 AM 0 comments
Islamia Eye Hospital
Islamia Eye Hospital is an eye health facility offering comprehensive eye care and treatment in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Founded in October 1960 by renowned philanthropist and businessman, M A. Ispahani, Islamia is committed to providing affordable and high-quality services to its patients. Islamia offers services in the following areas:
Comprehensive Patient Care
Clinical research
Sight Enhancement and Rehabilitation
Community eye health
The hospital's charter aims at providing free and subsided services to the economically disadvantaged. Many who otherwise cannot afford eye care receive care from some of the best eye health professionals.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 11:25 AM 0 comments
Gonoshasthaya Kendra Hospital
Gonoshasthaya Kendra Hospital and Village Health Program
Health management is not an isolated problem of society in Bangladesh. Therefore, health care development relies on addressing other related problems. Gonoshasthaya Kendra strongly believes that in order to develop health care, services must be integrated with other development activities. Therefore, GK works to gradually incorporate the following programs into the activities of each health center:
To develop people-oriented health management, and to make people aware of different health issues.
To provide basic education, particularly to women and children of poor families.
To organize women, particularly from land-less populations, and to provide financial assistance to alleviate poverty.
To make women aware and self-conscious of their rights and to encourage them to reach their full potential.
To promote the mother language of Bangla, and the spirit of the Liberation War, establishing its importance in national life.
To play an advocacy role for the well-being of poor people in Bangladesh and internationally.
To create social awareness about fundamentalist and communal violence, and to protect the interests of minority communities.
To undertake natural and man-made disaster-mitigation relief and rehabilitation programs and to conduct disaster preparedness programs.
To be a self-reliant organization.
Gonoshasthaya Kendra has continued to develop a program primarily focused on people-oriented health care service delivery, integrating programs in women's development, education, agriculture extension, poverty alleviation, and conservation of the environment in each of its operational areas.
Gonoshasthaya Kendra has faced many challenges and even has lost lives in its effort to establish its objectives of sustainability. Three workers have lost their lives to people opposed to GK's work.
GK has established the following health centers around Bangladesh:
Gonoshasthaya Urban Hospital
Rapid urbanization has created an urban health crisis, characterised by economic inequality, environmental destruction, and a lack of people-friendly investments in the rural areas. Densely-populated urban slums are inhabited by generations of rural people lacking physical security. Oftentimes, gangs harass these people and illicit drug use is epidemic. Many women and children are forced into prostitution. They can be arrested, beaten and murdered without enforcement by the legal system. Women and girls can be detained “for their own protection” and subjected to harassment and rape. Trauma from traffic and industrial accidents, and violence are major health problems in the urban areas. Clean water and sanitation services are still not available, leading to intestinal and vector diseases. Dhaka, the capital, has the worst air pollution in the world. In response to this urban health crisis, GK has instituted an urban health program with a fully-equipped modern hospital and 11 community sub-centers near major urban slums.
The harsh realities of urban Dhaka, however, forced a change in GK's program policy. At one site, slum dwellers were evicted. At several other sites, the NGOs involved there were forced to discontinue working. Urban gangs, involved in protection rackets, selling drugs and other illicit activities, continuously harassed GK workers. It became clear that a change in approach was required.
Therefore, beginning in April 1999, the urban program changed to mobile clinics providing primary and school health care. GK also provides health services for garment workers. The 150-bed hospital provides a wide range of medical services for patients covered by GK's income-based health insurance program and the general public.
Primary Health Care and Paramedics
The use of paramedics ensures the delivery of health services to poor people living in rural areas. In addition to providing health care, employing paramedics enables women to find new and satisfying employment opportunities.
Mini Laparotomy
Paramedics are also trained to perform surgical procedures that previously were only performed by doctors. Remarkably, their performance and infection control exceeds that of trained medical doctors. A full discussion and analysis of their performance was published in the leading medical journal, The Lancet .
Health Insurance
Gonoshasthaya Kendra introduced its Health Insurance Scheme to provide sustainable health care services. Insured persons or families pay for a health insurance subscription according to their socio-economic status; but all people get essential and appropriate health care. The Health Insurance Scheme classifies four different groups by reviewing the socio-economic status of the people living in project areas. Group A represents distressed women and poor people. Group B represents marginal farmers who face insufficiency and even starvation. Group C represents those who can afford to eat twice a day and have some surplus; and Group D represents those who do not have enough surplus but are sufficient.
Reducing Maternal Mortality and Infant Mortality
During the last three decades, GK has made significant improvements in its coverage of health services, especially in regards to reproductive health services and child health. In particular, GK has made noteworthy progress in achieving some of the Millennium Development Goals that are related to maternal and child health. The purpose of the two presentations on Maternal Mortality and Infant Mortality is to highlight these achievements and its underlying factors. These presentations use panel data to address the issue of reducing maternal mortality and infant mortality, and discuss the lessons learned by GK. This can be done by GK's own village level trained paramedics, as well as through improved birth weight, food security and overall reduction of poverty.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Dhaka Community Hospital
Dhaka Community Hospital (DCH) is trust owned private, non-profit making and self financed organization providing health care for low-income underprivileged people. It was established in 1988. Since its inception in 1988, Dhaka Community Hospital has been experimenting an integrated and sustainable health care delivery system at an affordable cost both in the urban and rural area of Bangladesh. It has successfully introduced health insurance scheme in its project area.
The idea is to bring modern health care facilities to the less affluent section of the population at a cost which they can afford. It has successfully introduced health insurance scheme in its project areas. DCH has got primary health care centers in 24 places of Bangladesh. Primary and secondary level of health care is given at these centers. DCH has started a 75 bedded hospital situated in Dhaka. Its works as a referral center and provide mainly tertiary level health care. This center is also used for planning, development and for training. We ensure community participation in both decisions making, implementing and financing its programs.
Departments of Dhaka Community Hospital:
Dermatology & Sex
General Surgery
Gynecology & Obstetrics
Environmental Research
Arsenic Lab
EPI (Expanded Program for Immunization)
Typical fees for hospital-based service would be: medical officer consultation, Tk 10 for card holder, Tk 15 for non-cardholder, special consultation Tk. 200. Hospital bed per day Tk 50 general ward, cabin Tk 600, Cabin A/C Tk. 1000. Total costs for major surgery Tk. 6000-10,000; typical costs commercial hospital would be Tk. 20,000 – 30,000.
Dhaka Community Hospital indoor department has 75 beds and an operation theatre complex. Besides, DCH runs the following health programs:
Diagnostic Center
DCH run a modern diagnostic center where various examinations tested at nominal fee. The rate is lower by 30% to 40% that the same of other diagnostic centers at Dhaka. The following investigations are carried out through the diagnostic center:
Ultra Sound
Testing Water for Arsenic Contamination
Bacteriological Test
Posted by Munna Talukder at 11:02 AM 0 comments
Cholera hospital
In Bangladesh, the Centre is commonly known as “the cholera hospital”, but a local newspaper has recently drawn attention to the Centre’s research activities. In a major cover feature, illustrated with numerous colour photos, the Daily Star’s weekend magazine highlighted the research work carried out throughout the Centre, as well as touching on its service role to patients at the Dhaka and Matlab hospitals
Posted by Munna Talukder at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Armed Forces Medical College
The history of an institution portends the future & directs its destiny. The Armed Forces Medical College was formed at Pune on 01 May 1948 by the amalgamation of Army Medical Training Centre, the Army School of Hygiene, the Central Military Pathology Laboratory, the School of Blood Transfusion and Army School of Radiology. The college was initially housed in Eve’s Estate and later shifted to Connaught Barracks, the present location.
AFMC when conceived began as postgraduate training and research centre. The first commandant of the institution was Col PP Chowdry. The foundation stone of the main building was laid on 3 April 1953 ( erstwhile AMC anniversary day) by Lt Gen DR Thapar, the then Director General, Armed Forces Medical Services, and was completed in August 1956. The role of the college was enlarged when the department of Dental Surgery was added in May 1955.
The graduate wing was started on 04 Aug 1962, Mr VK Krishna Menon inaugurated the undergraduate wing. The College of Nursing was added in 1964.
The college celebrated its golden jubilee in 1998 with pride. The Golden Jubilee block housing eighteen departments was inaugurated by Shri George Fernandes, defence minister in 1998. AFMC has found a place amongst the best medical colleges in the country and is widely acknowledged to be a premier national institute.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 10:40 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Mymensingh Medical College
Lytton Medical School
During the later part of the British India, it was felt that the people of the north-eastern region needed the services of qualified medical personnel. The then Campbell Medical School of Calcutta and Mitford Medical School of Dhaka were unable to cater for the needs of the growing population. With this background the third medical school for the region, was established in 1924 in Mymensingh, after the world war-1, by the EARL OF LYTTON, the then Governor of Bengal. This school was named as Lytton Medical School to run four year course of Licentiate of Medical Faculty (LMF). This course of LMF continued till 1962, when it was upgraded to a five-year undergraduate medical course under Dhaka University and the school was renamed as Mymensingh Medical College.
Situated 120 km away from the north of the capital city Dhaka, Mymensingh has a rich historical heritage. Having been once the administrative head quarter of the largest district in the whole of Indo-Pak subcontinent during the British rule, this district town has gradually developed itself from a sleepy quiet little town (declared a Municipality in 1869) of Rajas and Maharajas, Zaminders (landlords) and tenants and other professional into a big town, having all kinds of educational and institutions.
Standing on the southern and eastern bank of old Brahmaputra river the town offers a very convenient communication network of railway and roads with the rest of the country. Two hours drive away from Dhaka makes it one of the nearest and most accessible of all the district towns.
Mymensingh takes pride in the Jainul Abedin Art Gallery which has on its walls some of the finest works in water color by renowned painter, Jainul Abedin.
Among its other attractions is the Madhupur National park which is 35 km away to the north-east. It is a very popular picnic spot during the winter.
Milestones of Mymensingh Medical College
1924 Establishment of Lytton Medical School
1962 Upgrading of Lytton Medical School to Mymensingh Medical College.
1970 Indoor Service of Mymensingh Medical College Hospital started
1972 Shifting of college to the present campus
1979 Inception of department of Orthopaedics
1981 Inception of Family Planning Model Clinic in the hospital
1988 Inception of department of Cardiology
1992 Establishment of Centre for Nuclear Medicine & Ultrasound.Departments of Microbiology & Biochemistry began their activities as separate departments
2000 Diploma in Child Health (DCH) was started as the first Postgraduate course.Inception of departments of Neuromedicine, Neurosurgery, Nephrology, Endocrine Medicine & Paediatric Surgery
2002 27 Postgraduate courses (MD, MS, MPH, M Phil, Diploma) began to run under the auspices of the present government Mymensingh Medical Journal was indexed in Index Medicus, MEDLINE & Pub Med and began to be available online in the USA & throughout the world
2003 Internet was introduced & whole college came under a local Computer Network
Admission Undergraduate: MBBS course For Bangladeshi students: Admission test is conducted centrally by Director of Medical Education under DGHS. Admission consists of written MCQ. Well advertised in the daily newspapers of the country. For Foreign students: Admission is through Embassy of Bangladesh in respective countries. Academic calendar for different years is maintained by respective departments. Post Graduate : MD, MS, M Phil, Diploma courses Admission test is conducted by Medical College. Admission consists of written MCQ exam. Well advertised in the daily newspapers of the country and in this website. Sessions : two January session : MS, MD courses Admission test : Last Friday of September July session : M Phil & Diploma courses Admission test : Last Friday of March.
The hospital has the following departments : Anaesthesiology, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Transfusion Medicine, Community Medicine, Cardiology, Dermatology, ENT, Endocrine Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Gynaecology & Obstetrics, Gastrointestinal&Liver Disease, Microbiology, Medicine, Nephrology, Neurosurgery, Neuromedicine, Nuclear Medicine, Ophthalmology, Ortho-surgery, Physiology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Psychiatry, Paediatrics, Physical Medicine, Paediatric Surgery, Radiotherapy, Radiology and Imaging, Surgery, Urology.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical College
Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical College located in Bogra town, was established in 1992. It offers 5-year medical education course leading to MBBS. One-year internship after graduation is compulsory for all graduates. The college is affiliated to the University of Rajshahi, and the degree is recognised by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council.
Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical College was established in 1992. Fist of all it has started as a medical college collaborating with Mohammad Ali Hospital, Bogra. About 125 students get admission every year after passing admission test. The college was named on the basis of Saheed President Ziaur Rahman who was born at Bogra.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 3, 2010
Most modern and sophisticated western style private hospital in Bangladesh. Hospital is managed by highly skilled and experienced internationally trained physicians and administrative personnel. Its facility is completely equipped with all advanced diagnostic equipments and instruments. We provide the unparalleled patient care and service.
The teaching hospital was established in 1992, and it is operated as a general hospital with wide range of diagnostic and clinical departments. The six-story 250,000 square feet hospital building is located next to the college building. Hospital was designed, constructed, equipped and staffed to operate as a sophisticated western style modern day hospital. There are 500 patient rooms that are furnished with imported equipments and fixtures for patient comfort and care.
Hospital is equipped with all advanced diagnostic equipments - CAT Scan, Angiograms, color Doppler ultrasound, fixed and mobile X-ray systems, computer controlled blood analyzers & computerized Electro Cardiographs. Hospital also has state of the art Operating rooms and fully monitored ICU units.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 8:35 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Uttara Crescent Hospital
Gradually with your support we have reached to today standard. Whatever we have achieved up to till now is the result of your support & the support of personnel like consultant, doctors, Nurses, technician, ward boy, Aya, other office staff and to every single person who have devoted their effort here.
Today we are proud to says that the people of Uttara and the surrounding like area like Gazipur, Mymensingh, Tangail and Savar will received the care in any kind of emergency here at our Uttara Crescent Hospital.
Our hospital has 10 bedded HDU ( High Dependency Care Unit), 5 Bedded Dialysis Center with 3 VVIP cabin 19 A/C cabin, 18 Non-A/C cabin 7 semi cabins and 2 words for 12 patients. In our three modern equipped operation theaters give you confidence to take our service. All type of laparoscopic operations as well as orthopedics, spinal surgery & brain surgery were done here regularly.Our aim is to always provide you with up-to-date modern health care facilities in this area we want our community that is clear secured and most beautiful area of our capital to have the best health care possible so that we all can live in good health. We are always here to help you with any kind of health problems and give you complete support; anyone who comes here becomes a part of our family.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Chittagong Medical College Hospital
Posted by Munna Talukder at 9:34 PM 0 comments
Affiliated Hospital
The following hospitals and health centres of Chittagong area are affiliated to Chittagong Medical College and CMCH for the purpose of extending teaching and research facilities to the students as well as for referral purposes for the patients- 1. Infactious Diseases Hospital, Fouzdarhat 2. T.B. Hospital, Fouzdarhar 3. Chittagong General Hospital, Anderkilla 4. Bangladesh Institute of Tropical and Infections Deseases, Fouzdarhat 5. Nursing College, Fouzdarhat 6. Institute of Health Technology, Fouzderhat 7. Chittagong Port Authority Hospital, Bandar 8. Mirsharai Thana Health Complex, Mirsharai 9. Raozan Thana Health Complex, Raozan 10. Cox’s Bazar Malaria Centre, Cox’s Bazar.
Nurses Training Centre (NTC) at CMCH
The NTC building Stands at the Southwest corner of the hospital building inside the main campus. It houses a Nursing School with residential arrangement and recreational facilities for the Trainee Nurses and the staff Nurses serving at the CMCH. The nursing school was established in 1963. It runs a four-year Diploma in nursing course with an annual intake of 50 trainee nurses. B.Sc (nursing) course introduced in 2007.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Dinajpur Medical College
Currently, it offers 5-year medical education course leading to MBBS. One-year internship after graduation is compulsory for all graduates. The degree is recognised by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council.
Dinajpur Medical College admits 132 students into the 5 year MBBS degree programme yearly under the Government Medical admission test. Admission test is conducted centrally by Director of Medical Education under DGHS (nearly 33000 applicants sat for the medical college entrance examination in Bangladesh). For Foreign students: Admission is through Embassy of Bangladesh in respective countries.
13 batches have passed from this medical college successfully.
The college has all the major branches of medical education including
Community Medicine
Forensic Medicine
Blood transfusion
Dinajpur Medical College is one of the oldest medical colleges in Bangladesh. It is a government medical college and established in 1992. It is located in the Dinajpur district of the Rajshahi division, and associated with Rajshahi University.
Examination and Affiliation
Dinajpur Medical College is affiliated under Rajshahi University. The students receive MBBS degree from Rajshahi University after completion of 5th year and passing the final Professional MBBS examination. The Professional examinations
reheld under the University and results are given thereby. Internal Examinations are also taken on regular interval namely Card completions, term end and regular assessments.
It has also a 500 bed hospital. There are 17 operation theatres in the new hospital, of which, 12 are general, two emergencies, one labor and two daily. The hospital would introduce some new departments, including cancer, urology and radiotherapy. The hospital building has an underground car parking facility.
Students' extracurricular activities
SANDHANI is voluntary organizations of students of medical colleges & dental colleges, which has a unit in DJMC. These organizations work to motivate people to donate blood, post-humor eye donation.
They also facilitate treatment of poor patients through distribution of free drugs, collection of blood and annual program of distributing warm clothes among poor people.
Students of this medical college also arrange cultural programs on many occasions under their cultural organization, "Yakatan".
Posted by Munna Talukder at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Sir Salimullah Medical College and Mitford Hospital

General information
The medical college consists of following departments: preclinical (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology), paraclinical (pathology, microbiology, forensic medicine, community medicine,pharmacology), clinical medicine (general medicine, psychiatry, sexual-skin-and-venereal diseases), pediatrics, surgery (general surgery, orthopedic surgery, pediatric surgery), ophthalmology, otolaryngorhinology, anesthesiology and diagnostic (clinical laboratory, radiology and imaging). The medical college possesses a 600 bed general hospital including OPD and IPD services in above disciplines and an integrated emergency department. 175 students having pre-medical A-level education are admitted each year through open competitive examination. Students are awarded undergraduate MBBS degree after 5 years' study in college and hospital and 3 professional examinations (first prof. after 1.5 years, second prof. after 3.5 years and final prof. after 5 years of admission) under the University of Dhaka. Then, they do 1 year full residency training in the hospital to get registration for practicing medicine.
SSMC draws in students not only from Bangladesh, but from all over the world with students hailing from USA, Canada, Nigeria, Syria, Iran, Palestine, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Srilanka, Mauritius, Malaysia, Bhutan etc.
SSMC also pioneered some nationwide appreciated volunteer organizations like, Sandhani, Rotaract club, Leo club etc..
Affiliated Hospital: Mitford Hospital
Mitford Hospital established in 1820, named after Sir Robert Mitford, Collector of Dhaka and also a long serving judge of the Provincial Court of Appeal. During his time there was an alarming cholera epidemic and at the height of it 150 to 200 persons died daily in Dhaka. Medical facilities were inadequate. Sir Mitford was distressed to see the suffering of the people. Before his death in England in 1836, he bequeathed the bulk of his property (about Rs 800,000) to the government of Bengal for benevolent works in Dhaka including building of a hospital. This was disputed by his successors but finally, in 1850, the Chancery Court partially decreed in favour of the Bengal Government, by virtue of which it received Rs 166,000. With this fund the hospital was started in 1854 on its present site, and then known as 'Katra Pakurtali', Babu Bazar. Prior to this, the site was occupied by a Dutch kuthi (house). From the inception, the hospital was under the administration of a board accountable to Dhaka Municipality. A female ward was established in the hospital in 1882 with generous donations from Nawab Khwaza Ahsanullah of Dhaka and Raja Rajendra Narayan Roy of Bhawal. Nawab Ahsanullah also donated Rs 50,000 to set up Lady Dufferin Hospital within the same compound in 1888-89. A European ward was established in the hospital in 1887, and in 1889-90 Raja Srinath Roy of Bhaggyakul set up an eye ward at a cost of Rs 3, 00,000 in memory of his mother. It got the recognition of a first grade hospital in 1917.The hospital, in addition to different wards, accommodated lecture halls, dissecting rooms, and an out-patients' department. It remained a general hospital and did not undergo much change in size and types of services over time. It occupies an oblong area of about 12.8 acres (52,000 m2) of land on the river bank and the hospital complex comprises more than fourteen blocks of no particular architectural significance but historically important and eventually of utilitarian character. Most of the blocks were originally single-storied and now have been raised to four storeys. The hospital provides both indoor and outdoor treatments as well as pathological and diagnostic services. It serves about 1,000 outdoor patients daily. As of 1999, the hospital had 600 beds, of which 240 were paying.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Bangladesh Eye Hospital
The specialty departments of Bangladesh Eye Hospital
The Vitreo- Retinal Service
The Corneal & External Eye Diseases Service
The Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Service
The Glaucoma Service
The Oculoplasty Service
The Contact Lens Service.
To Facilitate Educational and Research Programs
Digital video documentation of anterior segment, posterior segment and surgical procedures via slit lamp, indirect ophthalmoscope and operating microscope camera.
Patient record archiving by customized software.
All departments of the hospital are linked through a dedicated computer network.
Regular update sessions to keep up with the latest advances in ophthalmic practice.
Fellowship programs in different sub specialties to be offered in the not too distant future.
Bangladesh Eye Hospital has the state of Art Technologies
Phaco surgery
Infinity & legacy 2000- the latest phaco surgical systems in the world by Alcon.
Vitreo Retina Surgery
Accures & Harmony- the most advanced virtrectomy technology.
Operating Microscopes
Visu 200 & Ophtamic 900 with EIBOS- a world of clarity in Ophthalmic surgey.
Double Freqency Nd-Yag Laser (Argon wavelength) & Yag Laser by Nidek.
Multilase: Diode Endo Laser by keeler
Microlase: Diode Slit Lamp Laser by keeler.
Digital fluorescein Angiography with Image Net software from topcon.
Visual field analyser
Humpherey Field Analyzer II & Octopus 101 the gold standard in computerized field analysis.
Photo Dynamic Therapy the current strategy for age related macular degeneration and choroidal neoveascularization.
Ultrasonography of the eye- B scan & A scan.
OCT- The latest Ultrasound imaging technology for retinal & glaucoma evaluation.
Specular Microscope- Corneal endothelial cell counting instrument for evaluating corneal diseases.
Pachymetry- Modern technology for measuring corneal thickness &diagnosis of corneal diseases.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 30, 2010
United Hospital Ltd.
United Hospital Ltd was borne out of a vision to provide a complete and one-stop healthcare solution to the people of Bangladesh. Opening its doors in August 2006 and situated besides the picturesque Gulshan Lake, this hospital is one of the largest private sector healthcare facilities in Bangladesh. With a capacity to house over 450 patients and established across a total covered area of over 400,000 sft, the hospital has 11 state of the art operation theatres to cater to the needs of our varied patient base. In the departments of cardiology, gynaecology, orthopaedic and paediatrics are staffed by the most esteemed doctors in their respective fields. As an example, a glimpse at our cardiology department would reveal that till date we have conducted over 2300 open heart surgeries and over 8300 angiograms and angioplasty operations. That’s over 12 heart related surgeries per day alone since our inception. With the technology and their expertise, and with the support of our friendly staff, we strive each day to be the number one healthcare provider, not only within Bangladesh but within the Asia-Pacific region
Committed to......
Quality: Operating at the highest standards of safe and ethical practices and demonstrating continuous improvement.
Effectiveness: Selecting the most appropriate services to produce the desired health outcomes.
Integration: Providing clear pathways by ensuring collaboration, consultation. Effective communication with health service providers.
Caring for the Community: Promoting health and providing care based on a commitment to well being of the patients.
Caring for the Staff: Caring for the health of its staff and developing a culture of trust, and training for personal growth.
Research and Training: Providing an environment that promotes personal development, learning, research.
Facilities at United Hospital
The hospital building is a purpose built facility, accommodating 450 beds in wards, cabins, emergency, ICUs, CCUs, ICCUs and other facilities. The hospital has 6 patient lifts, 2 visitors lift, and 1 VIP lift. We also have our own secured parking facilities for over 350 vehicles so that the visitors can have a peace of mind when they visit their dear and loved ones or when they come for medical check ups. United Hospital has 40 consultant rooms and a large number of departments to serve the patients with various ailments including Cardiac, Gynaecology, Orthopedic, Neurology, paediatric, internal madicine, A & E, Radiology, Laboratory, Nephrology, Physiotherapy, ENT, Ophthalmology, Gastroenterology etc.
Reliable Automation
These include
I. 4 General OTs
II. 4 Cardiac OTs.
III. 3 Gynae & Caesarean OT.
IV. 1 Emergency Procedure OT.
V. 1 Cathlab.
Various facilities in the hospital are monitored through a building management system (BMS). The floors throughout the hospital are covered with anti-static, non-abrasive and anti-bacterial vinyl material. The Operating Theater is pre-fabricated with a structural steel shell and join-less sealed sterile coating. The electrically operated ICU beds are fully automated with battery backup. The modular patient monitoring systems are fully automated with remote control option.
All the ICUs including the isolation room, to quarantine patients with contagious disease, are lake facing and have fully automated nurse call system to monitor patients and provide instant service.
United Hospital has set up a specially designed state-of-the-art Integrated Hospital Information System to record and monitor all activities and to store patient information in digital format for ease of access and long time storage.
State-of-the-Art Equipment
The state-of-art machines and equipment are setup to provide modern day facilities to meet and satisfy the heathcare needs of the community. The hospital would meet all its needs internally including captive power generation facility, in-house laundry, and kitchen, pharmacy and physiotherapy facilities. For safety purposes close circuit cameras are installed throughout the hospital to secure the entire premises.
Brief information on some of the major equipments installed in the hospital to provide you with "better than the best" service are given below:
The Radiology Department provides extensive services to our patients with the latest state-of the art equipments including true 64 Slice CT Scanner and the 1.5 High Definition MRI systems. The department is also equipped with other latest machines like the digital mammography, 500MA and mobile x-rays 4D, color and portable ultrasound.
VTC: 64 Slice CT Scanner System is the world's first clinical volume CT system that represents a revolution in CT scanning.
HDMR: Signa EXCITE 1.5 T (HDMR) with 16 Channel MRI system is a comprehensive and scalable platform for premium performance in neurovascular, cardiovascular, abdominal and orthopedic imaging. It is the only high defination MR system available in Bangladesh.
Sophisticated and Accurate
The ultra clean pre-fabricated Modular OT with world class Berchtold OT Ligth with Cam vision.
Laboratory and Cathlab The Innova 2000 Flat panel digital cardio-vascular imaging system is a fully integrated system.
Laboratory equipments include
i. Sophisticated & Accurate Olympus AU 640 Biochemistry Analyzer
ii. Sysmex Hematology Analyzer
iii. Abbott Immunoanalyzer
iv. Sabia's Electrophoresis Analyze
Posted by Munna Talukder at 9:29 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Rajshahi Medical College
A handful number of enthusiastic and philanthropic people started a Medical School in Rajshahi city in 1954. A four year course was started leading to diploma called LMF (Licentiate of Medical Faculty) offered by the State Medical Faculty, Dhaka. A total of eighty students were admitted in the very first year of its inception. In 1954, the then East Pakistan Government converted it into a government Institute, Rajshahi Medical School. Later on, the government decided to start a five year course leading to MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) degree and as such in 1958 Rajshahi Medical School emerged as Rajshahi Medical College. At the beginning, the Medical College was housed in a small building of the Barendra Museum. It was later shifted to the present college building. Forty two native and two foreign students were admitted in the first batch. Since then, the college has been continuing its steady progress. The number of admitted students is now increased to 175 which is equal in 8 old government medical colleges of Bangladesh. Foreign students of SAARC countries are being admitted in this Institution every year. Other hospitals situated in the city like Infectious Disease Hospital founded in 1962, Hospital for Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases founded in 1966, Leprosy Control Center founded in 1968 are all affiliated with this college. A Nuclear Medicine Center was also established within the campus in 1970. Following the war of liberation in 1971, the Medical College and hospital have made considerable improvements in many aspects such as extension of the college buildings, student's accommodation, number of hospital beds, and establishment of a modern Auditorium etc. There has been addition of new departments like Coronary Care Unit, Nephrology, Neurosurgery, Radiotherapy and Gastroenterology. Recently the hospital is equipped with CT scan, MRI, angiogram and renal haemodialysis machine. There have been a few recent additions in the College too like establishment of a beautiful mosque at the college premises, modernization and beautification of college main gate and premises, extension of the conference room with modern audio-visual facilities. At present besides undergraduate MBBS and BDS courses, postgraduate MD, MS, M.Phil, MPH and Diploma degrees are being awarded in 18 disciplines at Rajshahi Medical College. Already a handful number of successful doctors have achieved their postgraduate degrees from this college and working in various field of their specialization with good reputation.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 10:29 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Dhaka Shishu Hospital
In 1975, the government decided to upgrade it into a full-fledged children's hospital with 250 beds, expandable to 500 beds, and to construct a new building for it at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, a satellite town of the city. The hospital started functioning at its new site in 1977. It is an autonomous institution and is run by a management board formed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Its aims and objectives include healthcare for poor children, maintenance of a clinic for immunization of children, education of mothers in feeding and elementary hygiene, motivation of parents for family planning, promotion of research in child heath, and training of doctors, nurses and paramedics.
In 1983, the hospital opened an academic wing named Bangladesh Institute Of Child Health to conduct postgraduate paediatric courses such as FCPS (Fellow of the College of Physicians and Surgeons), MD (Doctor of Medicine), MS (Master of Surgery), DCH (Diploma in Child Health), and various certificate courses in paediatrics. The different departments of the hospital are community paediatrics, neonatalogy, gastroenterology and nutrition, nephrology, cardiology and rheumatology, haematology and ontology, respiratory medicine, endocrinology, developmental paediatrics, and neurology. An intensive care unit for children, the first of its kind in the country, was established in the hospital in 1992.
The hospital is run by government's yearly grant-in-aid, its own income, and occasional donations from national and international organisations such as National Women's Federation, Food for the Hungry International, Japan International Cooperation Agency, and Korean International Cooperation Agency. In 1999, Dhaka Shishu Hospital had 212 non-paying beds, 88 paying beds and 45 cabins, and the average occupancy rate was about 90%. That year, it had 94 doctors, 136 nurses and 21 paramedics. At present, it serves about 400 outdoor patients daily.
The hospital is under the administration of the Government of Bangladesh, which provides 50% of total annual funding, the rest being raised through patient fees, donations and grants. In 1999, the hospital had the following facilities of 212 non-paying beds, 88 paying beds, 45 cabins, 94 doctors, 136 nurses, 21 paramedics. In that year, average occupancy rate was about 90%.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 11:59 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 9, 2010
SQUARE Hospital is located in the heart of Dhaka aiming to serve greater portion of the city. At present it comprises of two buildings on either side of Panthapath connected by an over bridge.
The main hospital building is 18 stories and is approximately 450,000 sft. The second building (ASTRAS) is located across the street and is 16 stories with 136,000 sft. The second building is expected to be operational late 2007/early 2008.The buildings are in accordance with US Fire and Building safety standards.
Basement 1
Ground floor
First & second floor
Third floor
Fourth floor
Fifth floorOR
Sixth floor
Seventh floor
Labor and delivery (L&D) with 4 L&D rooms and two dedicated ORs for Caesarian section, Neonatal Intensive care unit (NICU) and Pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) with 21 beds of which two are isolation units; Invitro fertilization (IVF) center; Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBGYN) OPD clinic
Eighth floor
Mother and child floor: 19 rooms with 28 beds
Ninth floor
Pediatrics floor: 19 rooms with 26 beds
Tenth to fourteenth floor
Each floor has 22 rooms with 31 beds. The Tenth floor is equipped with Telemetry service
Fifteenth floor
Library and training rooms
Roof top
Basement to third floor Car park (can accommodate 100 cars). The remaining 9 floors will provide service for:
OPD clinics
Day surgery with recovery rooms
Nuclear medicine
Expansion of physiotherapy and rehabilitation services
Nursing education
Stroke Centre
Expansion of foundation beds
Patients Welcome:
We have instant information service on 24 hour basis provided by our dedicated Customer Service Officers available at all times to provide information for everyone by phone or walk in with a smile. Please feel free to contact us for any query, assistant or doctors appointments.
Room Category:
SuiteSingle DeluxeSingle StandardSemi Private (Double Bed Room)
Large, Clean, Modern, Furnished & Comfortable room.
Cable TV & telephone service.
Specialized hospital bed with all state of the art medical outfits.
Central gas system (Piped oxygen in all units).
24 hours nurse call & monitoring system.
Dietitians supported meals.
Ward Facilities:
Specialized hospital bed with all state of the art medical outfits.
24 hours nurse call monitoring system.
Central gas system (Piped oxygen in all units).
Dietitians supported meals.
It has an international standard CAFETERIA at ground floor. It serves fresh and healthy food menu.
Working day:
11:00 AM to 1.00 PM
11:00 AM to 12:00 NOON for ICU/CCU/NICU/PICU
4:30 AM to 7:30 PM
4:30 AM to 6:30 PM for ICU/CCU/NICU/PICU
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
11:00 AM to 12:00 NOON for ICU/CCU/NICU/PICU
3:30 PM to 7:30 PM
4:30 PM to 6:30 PM for ICU/CCU/NICU/PICU
Car Parking:
Basement - Two : 35 Units
Basement - Three : 40 Units
Basement to third floor Car park (can accommodate 100 cars) in our ASTRAS building.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 1:21 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Central Hospital Limited
A galaxy of optimist with committed vision put their thinking-caps on to enter into the mystery as to why patients, even with minor complaints, even with minor complaints, prefer assessment and treatment abroad. A through and searched discussion over the matter led them to conceive the idea of establishing an ideal Health Service Complex - that shall be - By HIS GRACE - singled out as a centre of excellence in the service of the needy and suffering humanity. Thus CENTRAL HOSPITAL LIMITED came into existence.To their belief, Health is a basic right of all members in the society and recognition of this right is the obligation of the Authority and the health service providers.To have the vision and mission translated into reality the Hospital authority takes a vow as to :
Ensure modern consultation and dependable investigation.
Ensure proper assessment and administer accountable treatment coupled with laudable and exemplary care and services.
Ensure sustainability of the Health services.
Provide required environment support.
Provide services at a reasonable price.
At the cross-roads of an embryonic transition of the country's Health Care Services, Government has meanwhile introduced Health Policy'98 with a view to addressing the need for health Care services for all segments of the population regardless of cast and creed.Central Hospital Limited is also aiming at comprehensive Medicare Services through its humble efforts complimenting the policy priority of the Government.The Central Hospital made rooms for highly skilled professionals with their variable experiences and specialization in respective areas. The company was incorporated in 1991. Bangladesh Shilpa bank, amongst other, has made an investment of sizeable amount as long term loan in this venture.The complex is located at a point where Dhanmondi Road # 5 meets the Green Road. This has got all the prospects of an ideal Health Centre. Having foundation structure for 12 storied building on their own land, the complex has been built up to 6-Storey at the moment. Each floor covering approximately 10,500 square feet offers a hygienic and spacious area. Whole complex has been well furnished with imported medical Equipment, Instruments & Medical grade beds.The striking feature of the complex is its Corporate set-up with a unique conglomeration of professional skills supported by sound financial standings.
Future Plan
The CHL Management with its outstanding financial capability is always on the lookout for higher skills and modern equipment & technology to incorporate in its service port-folio as matter of routine.
Medical Referral Centre
Anyone seeking professional medical referrals and services may contact the Medical Referral Centre. The MRC helps open windows to specialists' expertise, personalized patient care and cutting edge technology available at Central Hospital.
One can check with the MRC for the following :
Physical referral and medical appointments
Ambulatory and emergency care services
Admission and discharge procedures
Estimation of length of hospital stay and costs
Emergency call the 24 hours MRC hot line at (02) 8629711 from within the country.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Apollo Hospitals Dhaka
Apollo Hospitals Dhaka is the only 'JCI Accredited' 450-bed multi-disciplinary super-specialty tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh, confidently providing comprehensive health care with the latest medical, surgical and diagnostic facilities. These services are provided by expert medical professionals, skilled nurses and technologists using state-of-the-art technology.
Apollo Hospitals Dhaka started its operation on April 16, 2005 with a mission to provide high quality international standard healthcare that will meet the needs and exceed the expectations of the people of Bangladesh. It is an eleven-storied building built on four acres of land with 435,000 sq.ft. Floor space, which commenced construction in November, 2000 and completed the same in March, 2005 with assistance of renowned architecture company Smith Group, USA.
Since its inception to date, approximately 237,812 patients have registered with Apollo Hospitals Dhaka and over 679,358 patients’s availed out-patient consultation across 29 disciplines. The hospital is the first and only in Bangladesh to get accredited by the Joint Commission International Accreditation (JCIA), which reassures our continued commitment to the highest quality International Standard of Healthcare in the region. Apollo Hospitals Dhaka has world class Lab Medicine Facility and External Quality Control Program with BIO- RAD, USA.
Apollo Hospitals Dhaka serves its patients with a complete dialysis unit with private rooms, lithotripsy service (treatment of kidney stones), 69 ICU beds (including 12 beds for Cardiac ICU, 11 beds for CCU, 4 beds for Post-CCU, 9 beds for Neuro ICU, and 16 beds for newborn), 12 beds for High Dependency Unit (HDU), 92 standard beds, 48 semi-private beds, 24 single private beds, 26 deluxe beds, 5 suites, and 12 other category beds.
Its Accident & Emergency Department is staffed with UK-qualified physicians with 8 dedicated emergency beds and 21 beds for day care facility. The stat- of-the-art Radiology & Imaging Department includes 1.5 Tesla MRI, 64 Slice CT Scan Color Doppler, Ultrasound, and Gamma Camera, which have created the most modern radiology service in the country, with equipment that is faster and capable of conducting a wide range of examinations with a higher degree of detail. This is in addition to EEG, EMG, neurophysiology, ECG, stress test and pulmonary function test, matched by the state of the art Laboratory Services.
Apollo Hospitals Dhaka, it has OPD with all specialties, 11 operating rooms with the best infection control system in the country, 25-bed Day Care Unit, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Centre, Vaccination Centre, and Counseling Centre.
At Apollo Hospitals Dhaka also boasts a comprehensive range of allied health services, including Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Counseling, Dietetics, and Blood Bank, some of which are not available in any other hospital in the country.
In Labaid there are highly certified, skilled, experienced, and dedicated consultants at AHD are performing some very complicated surgeries and procedures. To name a few: renal transplant, CRRT, cochlear implant, total hip and knee replacement, beating heart surgery, repair of congenital cardiac defects in adults and children, radial angiogram, RTPA, endoscopic neurosurgeries, laser surgeries in dermatology, and ENT. A total of 21,620 surgeries have been successfully completed in the Surgical Centre by our renowned and highly skilled surgeons since our beginning.
Apollo Hospitals Dhaka is the pioneer in Bangladesh in establishing a functional well-equipped Emergency Department which deals with all kinds of emergencies less than one roof. In case of emergency, one call is enough to avail our Ambulance Pickup around the clock. Its fleet of ambulance is well-equipped and manned by trained emergency technicians and paramedics. There are four ambulances (two TOYOTA and two MERCEDEZ ICU ambulances with life support equipments including ventilators) in our Emergency Department. Moreover, being near the international and domestic airports, Labaid can commute with emergency patient’s to-and-fro very fast from the airport to the hospital premises at times of need. AHD is also the official partner of Civil Aviation Authority of the Government of Bangladesh in Disaster Management Protocol; hence it participates in regular Fire Drill Workshops.
Emergency Contact Numbers:Emergency Hotline: 10678 Emergency: 01911-555555 Ambulance: 01714-090000.Moreover, Labaid are in service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 8:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Labaid Cardiac Hospital
Labaid Cardiac Hospital - the first international standard super-specialty hospital of the country, dedicated exclusively to the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases have been built on a six storied building at, Dhanmondi - a commercial cum residential hub of Dhaka City, covering a floor space of more than 100000 sq. feet. Lab aid Group adds yet another feather in its ornate cap - Labaid Cardiac Hospital commissioned on 15 July 2004. A new era in the field of cardiac care is dawned, a new chapter opened .
Equipped with most modern and state-of-the-art equipment and machineries, the Labaid Cardiac Hospital makes a solemn commitment to the cardiac patients of the country - a commitment to maintain mastery and marvel in cardiac acre, to be compassionate and respectful to patients' beliefs and values and to make sound decision in the interest of the patients.
A band of highly skilled, dedicated and experienced cardiac surgeons, cardiac anesthesiologists’ per fusionists, nurses and technicians garnered from both home and abroad work synergistically and collaboratively under close supervision of renowned specialists of international repute not only provide 24-hour services to the patients but also remain standby to deal with any emergency cardiac conditions. Labaid Cardiac Hospital - a hospital with a difference, strives to ensure that cardiac patients receive care in the most appropriate setting - in an environment of privacy, kindness and understanding based on LCH spirit of 'Care First' resulting in optimum clinical outcome, greater patient convenience and lower treatment costs. Our approach is comprehensive, physician-led and cost-effective. All our resources are dedicated to keeping the heart healthy and treating it when it is not.
The fundamental strength of Labaid Cardiac Hospital is its two teams - one of cardiologists and other cardiac surgery. The teams are composed of highly skilled, experienced and eminent cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and cardiac anesthesiologists. Besides, a band of qualified and experienced nurses, technicians and other support personnel garnered from home and abroad are providing constant care to the patients. There exists an unprecedented amount of amity, understanding and cooperation among the members of the teams which are sine-qua-non for successful treatment outcome of cardiac ailments.
Patients' well being and recovery hinge around good nursing care and comfort to be derived from friendly and cheerful services and appropriate surrounding. Labaid Cardiac Hospital assures its patients unsurpassed level of comfort, nursing care and convenience in an atmosphere of peace, tranquility and understanding. Its customer care service department works full time to ensure that patients return home with positive experience.
The highest standard of internationally accepted operational procedures, infection control protocols and safety guidelines are practices in Labaid Cardiac Hospital. The hospital enforces zero tolerance in compromising on such vital issues.
Labaid Cardiac Hospital aims to attain the following:
a. To turn Labaid Cardiac Hospital into a 'Centre of Excellence' in terms of training, research and development in cardiovascular diseases.
b. To introduce newer treads in cardiac care through continued and sustained efforts utilizing cutting edge technology and expertise
c. To attain leadership status in pediatric cardiac surgery
d. To perform heart transplant surgery
Despite remarkable growth and development that have taken place in health care delivery system in private sector, a staggering number of patients still stream to foreign lands for better treatment 55% of whom are cardiac patients. A rough estimate has it that more than US$ 200 million is siphoned off every year from state coffer to foot the bill of medical treatment abroad.Rapid urbanization, ever changing life style coupled with physical inactivity and unhealthy food habit amongst urban population have contributed to increased incidence of heart ailments in this category of people. Labaid Specialized Hospital, a super specialty hospital of international standard manned by renowned cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and other support staff shall play an all important role in providing optimum care and treatment to cardiac patients of the country.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) is the premier Postgraduate Medical Institution of the country. It is popularly known as PG hospital. It bears the heritage to Institute of Postgraduate Medical Research (IPGMR) which was established in December 1965. In the year 1998 the Government converted IPGMR into a Medical University for expanding the facilities for higher medical education and research in the country. It has an enviable reputation for providing high quality postgraduate education in different specialties. The university has strong link with other professional bodies at home and abroad. The university is expanding rapidly and at present, the university has many departments equipped with modern technology for service, teaching and research. Besides education, the university plays the vital role of promoting research activities in various discipline of medicine. Since its inception, the university has also been delivering general and specialized clinical service as a tertiary level healthcare center.
BSMMU complex has five main multistoried buildings that are identified as Block-A, Block-B, Block-C, Block-D and Cabin block respectively.
Block-A is a 7 storied building and accommodates the library, lecture theater, auditorium, hospital record section, students hostel, dental faculty and blood transfusion services. The library has a fairly large collection of current and back volumes of periodicals, textbooks, monographs and other related material.
Block-B is a 6 storied building which at its eastern wing accommodates the office of the Vice-Chancellor, administrative block, controller office, reception, conference hall, radiology department, digital library, hospital kitchen, maintenance department stores, endoscopy room, CT scan & MRI room, residential accommodation for the duty doctors and nurses.
The western part of Block-B is a 9 storied building and accommodates all the departments of basic medical sciences such as Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology, Hematology, Virology and Microbiology. A one-stop laboratory services is located at the ground floor. The animal houses are located near this B-block in a separate building.
Block-C is the 10 storied main hospital building. This block accommodates the office of the superintendent and his administration, reception, telephone exchange, departments of Psychiatry, Physical medicine, Pediatrics, Neonatology, Pediatric neurology, Pediatric surgery, Clinical pathology, Dermatology, Colorectal surgery, Nephrology, Urology, Neurology, Neuro-Surgery, Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Ophthalmology, ENT, Obstetrics & gynecology, Surgery, Hepatobiliary Surgery, Lithotripsy room, Operation theater, Anesthesiology, Pain clinic, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) & Post-operative ward.
Block-D is the 18 storied building (under construction). This block accommodates the Emergency, Casualty, Cardiac emergency, Obstetrics & gynecology emergency, Cardiology, Cath Lab, CCU, Cardiac surgery, Vascular surgery, Pediatric hematology, Oncology & Institute of Nuclear Medicine (INM) a joint project of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission and BSMMU. The INM has modern diagnostic and therapeutic facilities including computerized ultrasonography, gamma camera and a well equipped radioimmunoassay (RIA) laboratory. This is considered to be the best center for non-invasive diagnoses.
The causality department, out-patient departments for Medicine, Surgery, Neuro surgery, Neurology, Gastroenterology, Hematology, psychiatry, Pediatric surgery and Hospital dispensary are located in a separate complex.
Vice-Chancellor is the chairman of Syndicate & Academic Council and Chief Executive of BSMMU. He is assisted by the Pro-vice Chancellor (Academic & Finance), Pro-vice Chancellor (Hospital), Treasurer, Registrar, Controller of Examinations, Superintendent of Hospital, Director Finance, Inspector of Colleges & Postgraduate Institutes, Syndicate committees, Academic Council committees and various administrative committees. University follows the regulation, statuses of ordinance and rules made by the syndicate of the university.
The university runs its administration & finance with the rules, regulation and assistance set by the University Grant Commission and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
Posted by Munna Talukder at 1:50 PM 0 comments